All requests for support must be done online. There is no need to call or request a meeting. If, after review of your application, we need to find out more information about your project, we will contact you to request a meeting.
Health and science education programs
Disease awareness initiatives
Scientific and academic community
Projects that could have a potential impact on reducing healthcare costs
Programs that could be a potential model for other provinces and/or countries
Activities that could have a significant impact on a large number of Canadians
Arts & cultural programs, except those related to health education
Capital, building and endowment campaigns
Individual attendance at conferences, seminars and similar activities
Organizations already supported through United Way or West Island Community Shares contributions (we contribute to United Way and WICS through our annual employee campaign and corporate donation).
Organizations that practice discrimination on the basis of race, creed, gender, age, sexual preference or national origin
Graduation galas or yearbooks
Sporting teams and events (Pfizer Canada focuses its sports-related support to the Canadian Paralympic Team. We are very proud to offer our continued support to these elite athletes).
Religious activities